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The Courthouse

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The Courthouse Cover Photo

The Courthouse



Is i dtrátha na bliana 1855 a tógadh seanteach na cúirte. Ba ghnách Cúirt Ghearr na míosa a choinneáil ansin go dtí gur thit córas dlíthiúil na Breataine Móire as a chéile anseo in Éirinn.

The old courthouse was built circa 1855. It was the venue of the monthly Petty Sessions Courts until the collapse of the British judicial system in Ireland. The Pettys Sessions Courts were then replaced by the District Courts.

Seo Árainn Mhór

The Seo Árainn Mhór mobile application is an Android and iOS app designed and developed on the island of Arranmore with one purpose: How do we make it simple for people, islanders and visitors alike, to discover Arranmore?

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Arranmore Ferry Mobile App, available on Android and iOS