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The Arranmore Disaster

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The Arranmore Disaster Cover Photo

The Arranmore Disaster





Ar an 9 Samhain 1935, cailleadh 19 duine ar a dturas fillte ón Albain, nuair a chuaigh a mbád i léig. Níor mhair ach duine amháin ann, Paddy Edward Gallagher. Anseo insíonn Hugh Nancy an scéal brónach.

On the 9th November 1935, 19 people lost their lives on their return journey from work in Scotland when their boat capsized. There was only one survivor, Paddy Edward Gallagher. Here Hugh Nancy tells the sad story.

Seo Árainn Mhór

The Seo Árainn Mhór mobile application is an Android and iOS app designed and developed on the island of Arranmore with one purpose: How do we make it simple for people, islanders and visitors alike, to discover Arranmore?

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Arranmore Ferry Mobile App, available on Android and iOS