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The Glen Hotel

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The Glen Hotel Cover Photo

The Glen Hotel



Ó tógadh é sna 1880oidí, tá Óstán an Ghleanna fite fuaite le stair an oileáin. Ba é an tiarna talaimh, John Stoupe Charley, a bhí ina chónaí sa Glen House i dtús báire. Cheannaigh John Charley oileáin Árainn Mhór sa bhliain 1849. I ndiaidh dó seilbh a ghlacadh ar fheirm ar an Leadhb Gharbh, thóg sé teach an Ghleanna sa bhliain 1853.

The Glen Hotel has been part of the history of Arranmore since it was built by the landlord John Stoupe Charley in 1853

Seo Árainn Mhór

The Seo Árainn Mhór mobile application is an Android and iOS app designed and developed on the island of Arranmore with one purpose: How do we make it simple for people, islanders and visitors alike, to discover Arranmore?

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