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The Mass Rock

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The Mass Rock Cover Photo

Malaidh na hAltóra





Tá an charraig seo le feiceáil i mbaile fearainn Plochóg. Sa bhliain 1995 chuir an tAthair Jimí ó Siail plaic ar an láthair i gcuimhne na tragóide a tharla i 1935 agus i gcuimhne Gorta Mór na bliana 1845.

This mass rock is situated in the town land of Plochóg. IN 1955 FR Jimmy Shields unveiled a plaque at the site to commemorate the Arranmore Disaster of 1935 and the Great Hunger of 1845.

Seo Árainn Mhór

The Seo Árainn Mhór mobile application is an Android and iOS app designed and developed on the island of Arranmore with one purpose: How do we make it simple for people, islanders and visitors alike, to discover Arranmore?

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Arranmore Ferry Mobile App, available on Android and iOS